Proteins – The building Block for all Living Beings.
Lactose (Carbohydrates) – A Primary Fuel for our Body.
Minerals – Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus in the Most Bio Available form.
Vitamins – All the Essential Vitamins in Right Portions
Humans are Mammals that have Milk as Primary Source of Protein and Fat In Initial Stages of Life. As Humans are Mammals, Having Milk as a Source of Food is the Right ways and Hence Milk is called the “Most Perfect Food”
We Humans Like to have a Ratio Between the amount of Fat and Proteins that we consume in our Regular Diet Due to Variuos reasons like Life Style, Work Nature Etc. Hence the Milk (Nature’s Most Perfect Food) was Rationalised to Get the Best of Milk in a Ratio Suitable for Each and Everyones Need for Every Stage of Life.
The Milk is Standardized to Achive preferable Ratio Between FAT & Proteins
The Different Types in Milk Can Also Be Explained as Below
Milk Standards and their Fat to Proteins Ratio Can Be Clearly Seen as
Fat : Proteins Ratio
Milk can be Defined as (all data are in % of Milk)