Malabar Curd

Malabar Curd

Malabar Curd

ContentApprox Value (in 100 grams)
Energy65.5 Kcal
Milk Fat3.5 g
Milk Protein6.5 g
Carbohydrates2.0 g
Calcium77.04 mg
Sodium38.52 mg
Potassium96 mg


  • Malabar Curd is the Most Hygienic Curd in the Market.

  • Pasteurized and Homogenised to deliver the Goodness of milk in Most Advanced Machinery.

Shelf Life

  • 10 Hours from the date of packing if kept continuously under refrigeration below 4°C

Storage Condition

  • 40 Ltr Cans

  • Pouches :  1 Ltr, 500 ml, 200 ml.

  • Cup : 50 Gram, 100 Gram

The Benefits of Curd

  • Have you noticed that the Curd section of most grocery stores has practically taken over the dairy Counter? It’s getting harder to find more traditional dairy foods, such as cottage cheese and sour cream, amid the sea of Curd options. But it only makes sense that a food with as many health benefits as Curd be given prime real estate in the supermarket.

          And just what are the  health benefits of Curd?

  • First off, your body needs to have a healthy amount of “good” bacteria in the digestive tract, and many Curds are made using active, good bacteria. One of the words you’ll be hearing more of in relation to Curd is “probiotics.” Probiotic, which literally means “for life,” refers to living organisms that can result in a health benefit when eaten in adequate amounts.
  • Miguel Freitas, PhD, medical marketing manager for Dannon Co., says the benefits associated with probiotics are specific to certain strains of these “good” bacteria. Many provide their benefits by adjusting the microflora (the natural balance of organisms) in the intestines, or by acting directly on body functions, such as digestion or immune function. (Keep in mind that the only Curds that contain probiotics are those that say “live and active cultures” on the label.)
  • And let us not forget that Curd comes from milk. So Curd eaters will also get a dose of animal protein (about 9 grams per 6-ounce serving), plus several other nutrients found in dairy foods, like calcium, vitamin B-2, B-12, potassium, and magnesium.
  • In fact, the health benefits of Curd are so impressive that many health-conscious people make it a daily habit. Here are five possible health benefits of having a Curd a day:

Benefit No. 1: Curd May Help Prevent Osteoporosis

  • “Adequate nutrition plays a major role in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, and the micronutrients of greatest importance are calciumand vitamin D,” says Jeri Nieves, PhD, MS, director of bone density testing at New York’s Helen Hayes Hospital.

  • Calcium has been shown to have beneficial effects on bone mass in people of all ages, although the results are not always consistent, says Nieves, also an assistant professor of clinical epidemiology at Columbia University.

  • ”The combination of calcium and vitamin D has a clear skeletal benefit, provided the dose of vitamin D is sufficiently high,” she adds.

    And what qualifies as ”sufficiently high?”

  • Currently, 400 IU per day is considered an adequate intake of vitamin D for people ages 51-70, Nieves says. (Look for the Daily Value amount listed on food labels.) But more may be better.

  • ”This amount is likely to be sufficient for most young adults for skeletal health, although many would argue that for overall health, more than the 400 IU may be required, even at these younger ages,” Nieves said in an email interview.

  • Nieves believes that older people specifically can benefit from more vitamin D.

  • Many dairy products, including some Curds, are made with added vitamin D. Find out which brands have added vitamin D by checking out the table below, and by reading labels when you shop.

Benefit No. 2: Curd May Reduce the Risk of High Blood Pressure

  • A recent study, which followed more than 5,000 Spanish university graduates for about two years, found a link between dairy intake and risk of high blood pressure.
  • ”We observed a 50% reduction in the risk of developing high blood pressure among people eating 2-3 servings of low-fat dairy a day (or more), compared with those without any intake,” Alvaro Alonso, MD, PhD, a researcher in the department of epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, said in an email interview.
  • Although most of the low-fat dairy consumed by the study subjects was as milk, Alvaro believes low-fat Curd would likely have the same effect.

Benefit No. 3: Curd With Active Cultures Helps the Gut

Curd with active cultures may help certain gastrointestinal conditions, including:

  • Lactose intolerance
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Colon cancer
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • H. pylori infection

That’s what researchers from the Jean Mayer U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University concluded in a recent review article.

The benefits are thought to be due to:

  •  Changes in the microflora of the gut
  • The time food takes to go through the bowel
  • Enhancement of the body’s immune system

A recent Taiwanese study looked at the effects of Curd containing lactobacillus and bifidobacterium on 138 people with persistent H. pylori infections.

  •  The researchers found that the Curd improved the efficacy of four-drug therapy.
  • H. pylori is a type of bacteria that can cause infection in the stomach and upper part of the small intestine. It can lead to ulcers and can increase the risk of developing stomach cancer.

Benefit No. 4: Curd With Active Cultures May Discourage Vaginal Infections

  • Candida or “yeast” vaginal infections are a common problem for women with diabetes. In a small study, seven diabetic women with chronic Candidal vaginitis consumed 6 ounces of frozen aspartame-sweetened Curd per day (with or without active cultures).
  • Even though most of the women had poor blood sugar control throughout the study, the vaginal pH (measure of acidity or basicity) of the group eating Curd with active cultures dropped from 6.0 to 4.0 (normal pH is 4.0-4.5). These women also reported a decrease in Candida infections. The women eating the Curd without active cultures remained at pH 6.0.

Benefit No. 5: Curd May Help You Feel Fuller

A study from the University of Washington in Seattle tested hunger, fullness, and calories eaten at the next meal on 16 men and 16 women who had a 200-calorie snack. The snack was either:

  • Semisolid Curd containing pieces of peach and eaten with a spoon
  • The same Curd in drinkable form
  • A peach-flavored dairy beverage

Although those who had the Curd snacks did not eat fewer calories at the next meal, both types of Curd resulted in lower hunger ratings and higher fullness ratings than either of the other snacks.

Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Curd

10 Surprising benefits of curd

1. Why curd/yogurt is important?

Curd or Yogurt is in great demand, especially in summer season. Curd is used to make multiple Dahi dishes, which have their own significance from health point of view. Curd is consumed as Yogurt rice, Lassi, Chapatis & Dahi, Dahi Bhalla, Beet root raita, Pomegranate raita, Cucumber raita, Bottle gourd raita, Shrikhand, buttermilk, piyush, vegetable salads, etc. Curd Lassi is quite popular dish in northern India in summer season. Curd, the dairy product, has many health benefits and used as beauty aids to fair complexion. In number of cases, it has been said that curd is more beneficial than milk. The fermentation of milk leads to the formation of curd.

2. Curd nutritional facts

About 100 grams of fat has 98 calories. The nutritional value of curd is as follow: fat (4.3 gram), Carbohydrate (3.4 gm), Protein (11gm), Cholesterol (17mg), Sodium (364 mg) and Potassium (104mg). It also contains vitamin A, D, B-12, calcium and magnesium. Curd is one of the best sources for calcium.

3. Curd is good for digestion

The various important nutrients present in curd is easily got absorbed by the alimentary canal. It also helps the other food nutrients in getting absorbed in the digestive system. Yoghurt helps to make PH balance by maintaining the acidity and alkanity of the digestion process. Curd helps to solve many stomach problems and provide relief who is suffering from dysentery.

4. Curd makes the bones and teeth stronger

Curd is abundant with calcium and phosphorous. In fact, yogurt is the excellent source of calcium. Both calcium and phosphorous are the important minerals in making the bones and teeth stronger. Eating curd on regular basis is good as it helps to prevent from different arthritis problems and also deals with osteoporosis.

5. How curd helps to lose weight?

Curd is known for high percentage of calcium. The mineral calcium prevents cortisol formation in the body. The imbalance of cortisol in the body leads to many lifestyle related disorders like hypertension and obesity. A new research has confirmed that eating 18 ounces of curd daily helps to reduce belly fat as greater amount of calcium allow the fats cells to release lesser amount of cortisol thus helps to weight loss.

5. How curd helps to lose weight?

Curd is known for high percentage of calcium. The mineral calcium prevents cortisol formation in the body. The imbalance of cortisol in the body leads to many lifestyle related disorders like hypertension and obesity. A new research has confirmed that eating 18 ounces of curd daily helps to reduce belly fat as greater amount of calcium allow the fats cells to release lesser amount of cortisol thus helps to weight loss.

6. Curd for healthy heart

Due to faulty lifestyle and improper dietary pattern, more and more people are suffered with coronary heart diseases. Consuming curd is great in maintaining healthy heart. Yogurt prevents the formation of cholesterol in the arterial region, thus prevents the person from hypertension and high blood pressure. Taking curd helps to minimize the risk of high blood pressure and balance the level of cholesterol in the body.

7. Curd used as beauty product

Curd is an effective home remedy to enhance beauty and fair skin. Curd is being used as an effective home remedy for shining skin due to the presence of important minerals like zinc, vitamin E, phosphorous, etc. A glowing face can be maintained if the mix of curd, gram flour and lime is applied over the face followed by washing it after 15 minutes through water. Massaging of curd on the face acts as skin bleach and provides softness in the skin.

8. Curd removes dandruff

Curd helps to get rid of dandruff. Curd can be used as one of the best homemade solutions in getting rid of dandruff as it having lactic acid, which is anti-fungal in nature. When the paste of henna and curd is applied over the scalp, helps in combating dandruff. Curd is also used as hair conditioner.

9. Curd is a substitute of milk

A number of people are facing problems when they take milk. They are unable to digest milk that leads to lose motion or gas formation. This is happened due to lactose presence in milk, thus they are lactose intolerant. In such cases, people should take curd as it convert lactose into lactic acid that easily gets digested in the body. Here curd is the best substitute of milk and get all the nutrients of milk through curd.

10. Curd acts as immunity booster

Curd has great power to enhance the immunity of the body. Yoghurt protects the body from various microorganisms by building the immunity of the body. Curd is extremely beneficial for those women who are experiencing vaginal yeast infection.